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Discover the remarkable ability to still your mind, and all it's wonderful benefits.
I have learnt to stay calm, it's reduced my anxiety almost completely, I can think clearer and i feel more motivated. It's helped me let go of my built up emotions and I sometimes even cry during meditation (not to get too soppy) but it's a great thing. I hold everything in and to have my own place to let go is the biggest gift I could ever receive. I'm always spreading the word and I will continue to do so. Thank you so much again! You rock!
Khrissie L.
"All the words I'm about to express to you both, cannot nearly express my gratitude and appreciation for what you’ve taught me. I never would’ve thought that clicking on a random video online could change my life forever. What you have done, what you have created is something so beautiful and life changing. Mindspo is changing lives. You are changing lives... I will continue to rave about meditation and about your course to everyone I know. Thank you so very much. xxx
Georgia C.
The meditation method that I have learned from Rochelle and Chris has honestly been the only thing that has kept me going recently. Even before this global situation I had really been struggling with feeling in control of my life. I have felt like a boat going down some rapids getting hit by wave after wave, and I feel that without meditation I would have capsized by now. Meditation has brought a stillness to the water and I've been able to stay in control of my thoughts even if it's just for those 20 minutes, it has kept me going. Thank you for sharing your knowledge of this incredible practice, I will be forever grateful.
Rory K